Список команд, которые вы можете использовать, будучи админом на любом серваке солдата. Объяснение команд не переводил.
После нажатия клавиши (обязательна английская раскладка, а то строка для ввода команд не откроется) "/", вводите такие команды, как:
Управление игровым составом:
KILL harakiri
BRUTALKILL very harakiri
SMOKE player lights or ends a cigar
TABAC player chews some tobacco
TAKEOFF player takes off his helmet
VICTORY player cheers
PAUSE/UNPAUSE pauses/unpauses the game
Серверные команды:
ADDBOT bots name adds a new bot to the game
KICK players name or players number removes a player/bot from the game
BAN players name or players number bans the player on the server so he can't join in again
BANIP IP number bans the IP number
UNBAN IP number unbans the IP number
MAP map name changes the map
RESTART resets the current match
NEXTMAP changes the map to the next one in the list
ADM players name adds the player to the Remote Admins list
ADMIP IP number adds the IP number to the Remote Admins list
UNADM IP number removes the IP number from the Remote Admins list
KICKLAST kicks the last player that entered the game
RESPAWNTIME seconds changes the respawn time
MAXRESPAWNTIME seconds changes the maximum respawn time in team games
LIMIT number changes the current kill/point/capture limit
TIMELIMIT minutes changes the current time limit
PASSWORD text changes the game server password (temporarily)
SETTEAMx player number forces the player to join team x
ADDBOTx bots name adds a bot to team x
FRIENDLYFIRE 0/1 friendly fire on or off
VOTE% 0-100 changes the percentage of players needed to vote something
BONUS 0-5 frequency of bonuses 0-none, 5- lots
MAXPLAYERS 1-32 maximum players allowed on server
LOADCON reloads soldat.ini server settings
LOADLIST xxx loads the mapslist from xxx.txt
LOADWEP xxx reloads weapons.ini weapon settings or from file xxx.ini
GAMEMODE 0-6 changes the gamemode (0 DM, 1 PM, 2 TM, 3 CTF, 4 RM, 5 INF, 6 HTF)
REALISTIC 0/1 switches realistic mode
ADVANCE 0/1 switches advance mode
SURVIVAL 0/1 switches survival mode
KILL players name or players number kills/punishes the player
BANLAST like /kicklast, bans for 1 hour the last player that joined
UNBANLAST unbans the last player that was banned
LOBBY reregisters the server in the lobby
SAY text sends a text message to all players on the server
Клиент-серверные команды:
ADMINLOG password used to login as game server admin
INFO retreives useful information from the server
MUTE players name or players number mutes the player so you don't see his chat
UNMUTE players name or players number unmutes the player
RECORD name records a demo stored in the Soldat\Demos folder
STOP stops the recording of a demo